Brief History of SJGSSA
St. John of God Secondary School, Awka was founded in 1964 by Rev. Sisters of the congregation of St. John of God from Ireland. Rev. Sr. Camillus was a pioneer principal. The school was named after St. John of God, the patron Saint of Herat Patients and the feast day is March, 8.
The founding of the school was borne out of catholic mission to have a secondary school for girls in Awka. The leaders of Umuzuocha Community were instrumental to the donation of the piece of Land.
The proprietors of the school, the catholic mission, started building the school in 1963 with Rev. Fr Riodan supervising from his parish at Onitsha. It took off in 1964 and the Catholic Mission entrusted the running of the school to the hands of white Rev. Sisters of the congregation. Rev. Sr. Mary Camillus, the pioneer principal who was young, energetic and pushful succeeded in bringing the school to a reputable standard. Most of the building in the school were erected during her tenure and the buildings survived the ravages of the civil war (1967-1970). At the end of the war in 1970,the government took over all schools in the state and St John of God Secondary School automatically became a state school. The Rev. Sisters had to return to Ireland, their home country. The proprietors of the school exhibited a lot of interest in the school, emphasizing morals and academic excellence on the part of staff and students.